Veterans Park

Cobblestone Gravity Blocks Provide Shoreline Protection and Erosion Control at Veterans Park

Location: Union Township, Ohio
Year Built: 2014
Goal: Severe Erosion Control
Project Duration: 2 weeks
Project Magnitude: 2,300 sq. ft.
Face: Cobblestone
Height: 4.5 ft.
Geogrid: None

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Gravity Retaining Wall Blocks - Massive, one-ton Redi-Rock gravity blocks rely on the sheer mass of each block to hold back the earth.

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The Challenge

Veterans Park in Union Township is a core park in the area, being located within a mile of the booming Eastgate developments. The focal point of this 25 acre park includes a retention pond circled by a jogging trail. Over the years, the banks of the pond had eroded away and created an eyesore for the park; and the township had started to receive complaints.

The Solution

Union Township was aware of the benefits of Redi-Rock, as there maintenance crews had installed it as wingwalls for culverts in the past.

“The township knew how great Redi-Rock looked and how quickly it could be installed, they were in love with the natural stone appearance of the face of the Redi-Rock blocks. They liked that Redi-Rock could provide a permanent solution, and they will never have to mess with it again,” Josh Turton with Redi-Rock Structures of OKI says.

The township and residents alike have commented on how great the pond looks, and are actively looking for other opportunities to use the product.

An added benefit Redi-Rock offered was its proven track record for durability in freeze-thaw cycles. Redi-Rock blocks are constructed of architectural grade, wet-cast concrete. Redi-Rock gravity blocks are an ideal solution for shoreline protection and erosion control in water applications due to the massive size of each block – which allows walls to be installed quickly and built taller without reinforcement than other options.

After lowering the ponds water level, crews from Advanced Contractors and Estimators installed the wall, which was constructed within a week after the blocks were delivered and footer was ready. The retaining wall was completed in September of 2014, with final landscaping completed soon after.